“I am writing this letter with much thanks to the Artistique Parents Association of Calgary (APA), as without them my daughter Autumn would not be able to be to explore the many opportunities of competitive dance.

We have been members of the APA for the last 3 years and my daughter Autumn, has been able to explore and participate in many opportunities which they have provided. From the choreographer talent in dance workshops delivered in various dance genres which include: The Next Step’s Casting Director Amy Wright, Bree Wasylencko, SYTYCD Edgar Ryes, and tap sensation Lisa La Touche to many community performances, and the essential fundraising support!

Together all of this has been essential and has provided my daughter with education, and opportunities which she would not have experienced without the assistance of the Artistique Parents Association of Calgary.

Thank you so much!”

The Ledi-Thom Family

“Workshops and performances provided by the APA enhanced our daughters’ development and confidence in the art of dance by providing additional formative experiences for our girls. The APA selected guest choreographers to visit Calgary and allowed them to experience choreography in disciplines they were not trained in i.e. ballroom.

Exposures to new teachers made my girls realize they could adapt and conquer new styles. This experience built their confidence in dance but also in life. As a parent, our investment of time and money in an activity like dance has been especially rewarding. Not only are our girls physically healthy, we believe the Art of Dance provided emotional strength and wellness. The opportunities provided for exposure to choreographers outside the studio experience were an integral part of our daughters’’ enrichment.”

The MacMaster Family

“We have been a part of The Artistic Parents Association for over 10 years. We are truly grateful for the financial support this organization has provided to our daughters. It has enabled both of our girls to attend many workshops, conventions, dance camps, and training sessions over the years. Our oldest daughter is striving to achieve a professional dance career and the APA has provided her experiences and possibilities that were invaluable in helping her develop her craft. It has made a tremendous difference in their interaction with friends, their artistry, their physical conditioning, their confidence and self-esteem, as well as their general well-being, not only in the dance world, but in their daily lives.

As with all sport activities, the cost has become much more prohibitive and the funding from the APA makes it possible to attend some of the events that are offered to those kids who are dancing recreationally, or for those who intend to pursue a career in this field.

Thank You APA for making these years possible and we hope that many more dancers in the years to come will have the opportunities it has given our children.”

The Armstrong Family